When You Want to Hold Onto Certain Debts
The whole idea of chapter 7 bankruptcy is to leave as much debt as possible behind. There are some cases, however, in which you might want to reconsider and carry debt forward. Read on to find out why you would agree to keep the debt and how to do so.
Secured Debts and Reaffirmations
Your bankruptcy debt is divided into secured and unsecured. Secured debt is anchored by the property itself.
Advantages Of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Vs. Chapter 7
There are a lot of people who instantly think Chapter 7 bankruptcy is better than Chapter 13, but this is not really the case. Chapter 13 offers some key advantages that are not available through Chapter 7, and here are the top ones.
It Offers Debt-Relief to People Who Make Too Much Money
You might not realize that there are income guidelines that you must meet in order to file for Chapter 7, and this often disqualifies people from using this branch of bankruptcy.